About DCI

What is the initiative Digital Climate Innovation (DCI)?

Digital Climate Innovation is an international, multi-stakeholder initiative at the intersection of climate change and the use of digital innovation. The focus of DCI is to accelerate climate action in line with the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using innovative digital solutions such as Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), sensors, remote sensing and blockchain or ledgers.

Formerly known as the Climate Ledger Initiative (CLI), DCI seeks to leverage on the rich work since 2017 with more than 15 use cases implemented by partners, over 80 presentations, workshops and webinars held, and 18 knowledge products, navigating reports and fact sheets developed with more than 10 partners. The DCI will (leave the more general awareness-raising work of the initial years behind and) focus on the practical implementation and scaling of digital approaches with our partners in specific areas of climate action and seeking impact. Contexts may include work in development cooperation, the decarbonisation of private sector value chains, or carbon markets including Article 6.

DCI will continue to work with partners on projects using digital innovation for climate action. In addition, we are looking to collaborate for the implementation of use cases e.g. in the context of development cooperation and with actors from the private sector. We will continue to update the community on digital innovation for climate action through this website, newsletters, knowledge products and events.

Please contact us if you are interested in collaborating with us or would like us to support your projects using digital innovation for climate action and SDGs.