Past Events Documentation

Note: At all events prior to September 2024, Digital Climate Innovation appeared as the Climate Ledger Initiative (CLI).

08.09.2023 African Climate Week and Summit Nairobi Kenya/online more
Date: 08.09.2023

In September 2023 the African Climate Week and Summit took place in Nairobi, Kenya. Jürg Füssler from the CLI participated at the UNFCCC side event Structured consultation on Article 6.4 mechanism methodologies in particular for PoA application including digital MRV. Jürg presented lessons learned from two CLI use cases and spoke about the potential of digital approaches for future methodological standards (link to slides).

27.10.2022 Digitalization of Carbon Markets online (zoom) more
Date: 27.10.2022
Time: 4:00 - 5:30 pm CEST

The Zurich Carbon Market Association and the CLI hosted an event on the role of digital approaches to scaling carbon markets and enhancing their environmental integrity. Practical examples and exchange of experience.


<< watch the webinar recording here >>

12.10.2022 AmazonTEC 2022 Peru more
Date: 12.10.2022

Rocio Garcia from the CLI presented the Wood Tracking Protocol use case at the AmazonTec 2022. Watch Rocio’s presentation (Session 1 in Spanish only) and other presentations from the AmazonTec 2022 (also in English) here.

22.09.2022 Climate Week New York more
Date: 22.09.2022

SustainCERT presented the CLI report on Principles for Best-Practice Digital Verification at the Climate Week in New York.

<< watch the recording here >>

22.09.2022 CLI Webinar on D-MRV and clean cooking Webinar more
Date: 22.09.2022
Time: 3:00 pm CEST

CLI hosted a webinar on unlocking the potential of digital Measuring, Reporting and Verification (D-MRV) for clean cooking. The webinar brought together practitioners working on practical D-MRV applications for clean cooking with carbon programme standards and other stakeholders. The event enabled the sharing of experiences in order to gain an overview of barriers and opportunities of using digital tools in clean cooking. The webinar started with four presentations followed by parallel breakout sessions to discuss key topics and best practice solutions. In the end the outcomes from the breakout sessions were discussed in plenary. They highlighted the broad applicability of digital innovation but showed also challenges e.g. in terms of cost for D-MRV tools.


<< watch the webinar recording here >>

The recording contains the four presentations in the beginning of the webinar and the plenary discussion following the breakout sessions.

25.05.2022 Changing role of the verifier Innovate4climate 2022 more
Date: 25.05.2022
Time: 3:40 pm GMT / 5:40 pm CEST

Technology can be leveraged to drastically improve verification processes, reducing costs, time, complexity, and increasing the quality of outputs but what implications will the digitisation journey on MRV have on verification i.e the “V”?
SustainCERT and Infras are bringing together carbon standards and project developers to discuss preliminary hypothesis from their white paper on Digital MRV, and to explore principles for best-practice verification of emission reductions in a digital context. What are the implications of digital-MRV for standards, for project developers, and for verifiers? What changes are required to enable digital verification? Under which conditions can automation and data science deliver consistency, quality, speed and scale? What is the new blue print for best-practices?


Link to I4C event and Flyer.


Juerg Fuessler

Managing Director


Owen Hewlett

Chief Technical Officer

Gold Standard Foundation

Marion Verles



Toby Janson-Smith

Chief Program Development & Innovation Officer


Seshagiri Rao

Vice President Commercial

Greenko Group

25.05.2022 Digital MRV - from concept to reality Innovate4climate 2022 more
Date: 25.05.2022
Time: 4:40 pm GMT / 6:40 pm CEST

The use of digital innovations in Measuring, Reporting and Verification (D-MRV) emerges as a key factor to scale up and provide trust in international carbon markets. The Climate Ledger Initiative (CLI) and its partners are working in various use cases on road-testing D-MRV approaches. Short presentations and a panel discussion with representatives from use cases, carbon program standards and regulators discuss opportunities and challenges of D-MRV. Particular focus will be put on the learnings from pilot applications and which aspects can be scaled up.


Link to I4C event and Flyer

Juerg Fuessler
Managing Director

Martin Kitetu
EED Advisory

Owen Hewlett
Chief Technical Officer
Gold Standard Foundation

Jasmeet Singh
India Office Director
Fair Climate Fund

14.12.2021 Webinar Launch of the CLI Report 2021 Online more
Date: 14.12.2021
Time: 4 - 5:30pm CET
Category: CLI Webinar

The fourth edition of our report, Navigating Blockchain and Climate Action, was launched on Thursday 14th December (FLYER).

<< watch the webinar recording here >>


14th December 2021, 4 – 5:30pm CET

Blockchain for Climate Action in Kenia, Peru, India and Chile – experiences from CLI use case implementation

Panel discussion with

- Jan Stockhausen, Etherisc (Presentation)

- Martin Kitetu, EED Advisory (Presentation)

- Roció García, Wood Tracking Protocol

- Megha Thakur, FairClimateFund (Presentation)

- Cristián Mosella, EnergyLab (Presentation)

Moderation: Juerg Fuessler, INFRAS and CLI

Closing by Matthias Bachmann, SDC

21.09.2021 EU Blockchain Summit: Blockchain & AI for European Green Deal Ljubljana, Slovenia and online more
Date: 21.09.2021
Time: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm CET
Category: CLI presentation

Blockchain is an innovative technology with broad potential, including facilitating climate action initiatives like those outlined in the Paris Agreement. What are the challenges associated with these applications and how does governance play a role?

This event (Panel 1: Blockchain and AI for Climate Change at the EU Blockchain Summit) will follow up INATBA’s Climate Action Working Group report, co-written with Climate Ledger Initiative, on governance challenges central to blockchain-based climate actions.

12.08.2021 OpenHAP: CLI use case workshop by EED Advisory Online more
Date: 12.08.2021
Category: Use case workshop

EED Advisory held an online workshop to introduce the OpenHAP use case and its methodology to key stakeholders.

The recording of the workshop can be accessed here.

28.06.2021 Presentation: CLI at the EU Commission’s CONNECT University Summer School on Digital for our Planet Online more
Date: 28.06.2021
Time: 10:00 to 12:00 CET
Category: CLI presentation
Presentation “The Climate Ledger Initiative: use cases and governance for blockchain in climate action” at the EU Commission’s CONNECT University Summer School on Digital for our Planet on 28.06.2021 from 10:00 until 12:00 CET.
15.06.2021 Webinar: Blockchain for Climate Action and the Governance Challenge Online more
Date: 15.06.2021
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm CET
Category: Webinar

Blockchain is an innovative technology with broad potential, including facilitating climate action initiatives like those outlined in the Paris Agreement. What are the challenges associated with these applications and how does governance play a role?

This event will follow up INATBA’s Climate Action Working Group report, co-written with Climate Ledger Initiative, on governance challenges central to blockchain-based climate actions.

The report authors will discuss the report findings, including use cases and conclusions about the role of governance in this technological application.

05.05.2021 Webinar: Blockchain and Carbon Trading Online more
Date: 05.05.2021
Time: 9am – 10.15am CET
Category: Webinar

We are happy to invite you to the webinar on “Blockchain and Carbon Trading” organized by the Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.  

Voluntary and mandatory carbon markets are crucial elements to fight climate change. But, how does blockchain improve carbon trading? The CLI together with other carbon market experts from Europe and Asia will discuss this topic at the upcoming webinar.

The webinar will take place Wednesday, 5th May 2021, 3pm – 4.14pm Singapore and 9am – 10.15am Switzerland/Germany respectively.

Free Registration under

17.12.2020 Webinar Launch of the CLI Report 2020 Online more
Date: 17.12.2020
Time: 4 - 5:30pm CET
Category: CLI Webinar
The third edition of our report, Navigating Blockchain and Climate Action, will be launched on Thursday 17th December (FLYER).

<< watch the webinar recording here >>

Please join our webinar launch of the CLI Report 2020.

17th December 2020, 4 – 5:30pm CET


Introduction by CLI lead authors

- Sven Braden (CLI)

- Owen Hewlett (Gold Standard and CLI)

- Madeleine Guyer (INFRAS and CLI)

Panel discussion with

- Martin Jaggi, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

- Susan David Carevic, World Bank

- Florian Doebler, IOTA Foundation

- Dmitry Halubouski, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Break-out networking session


Moderation: Juerg Fuessler, INFRAS and CLI

03.11.2020 Webinar: Blockchain for Climate Action & the Governance Challenge Online more
Date: 03.11.2020
Time: 4 pm CET
Category: CLI Webinar

We are happy to invite you to a webinar on “Blockchain for Climate Action & the Governance Challenge” (flyer) organized by the INATBA Climate Action Working Group in cooperatin with the Climate Ledger Initative CLI on the 3rd of November, 2020 at 4 pm CET.

The event aims to provide an overview of relevant governance challenges for practitioners from the climate policy and blockchain world as well as to get feedback and input from participants. Moreover, the Webinar presentations and discussions will feed into a knowledge piece on governance that is useful for practitioners to be published in early 2021. Key findings may be mentioned in the next CLI flagship report on “Navigating blockchain for Climate Action”, to be published in December 2020.

Please register here

20.10.2020 CLI's Climate Governance project Online more
Date: 20.10.2020
Time: 8 AM Pacific
Category: CLI Webinar

Hyperledger - Climate Action and Accounting Special Interest Group Meeting, October 20

Topic: Climate Ledger Initiative's Climate Governance project

Speaker: Jürg Füssler, Managing Partner at Infras and Member of the CLI Programme Management Group


Dial-In Information:

You can join either from your computer or from your phone:

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct

Meeting Agenda
20.08.2020 Blockchain – A facilitator for transparency in Climate Finance? more
Date: 20.08.2020
Time: 3 – 4.15pm (CET)
Category: CLI Webinar

Blockchain – A facilitator for transparency in Climate Finance? (Flyer)

>> webinar recording <<

Moderation: Juerg Fuessler, INFRAS

Date: 20th August 2020, 3 - 4.15pm (Zurich Time) and 9 – 10.15am (Washington Time)

  • Smart Contracts for Climate Risk Crop Insurances, Michiel Berende, Etherisc
  • Green Bond Transparency Platform, Inter-American Development Bank, Alexander Vasa, IDB
  • TruBudget – A Trusted Tool for Climate Finance, Piet Kleffmann, KfW

15.07.2020 How digital collaboration may shape the carbon markets of tomorrow more
Date: 15.07.2020
Time: 17-18h CET
Category: CLI Webinar jointly organized with the World Bank Group (WBG)

How digital collaboration may shape the carbon markets of tomorrow

>> webinar recording <<

Future climate markets will differ substantially from those we have today; how will they look after 2020? How can cooperation in climate markets be designed to help countries with their climate plans? The changing landscape of climate markets under the Paris Agreement resulted in a big push for innovative solutions and provide opportunities to leverage emerging technologies to support the post-2020 architecture for markets. This session will bring together different technology and climate experts to explore how innovative technology applications could support the long-term vision to develop broad, deep and liquid climate markets.

Find out more

25.06.2020 How digitizing MRV supports public policies in the land use sector in Latin America more
Date: 25.06.2020
Time: 3 - 4.15pm (CET)
Category: CLI Webinar

How digitizing MRV supports public policies in the land use sector in Latin America

>> webinar recording <<

25th June 2020, 3 – 4.15pm (CET), moderated by Juerg Fuessler, INFRAS / CLI

CLI webinar flyer

04.12.2019 Principles and case studies for disruptive technologies and 1.5°-compliant system transformation EU Pavilion, Room Brussels more
Date: 04.12.2019
Time: 10:30-12:00
Category: CLI COP25 event, Hosted by the Climate Ledger Initiative jointly with EIT Climate-KIC
Emerging technologies have given the world unprecedented potential to address humanity’s most pressing challenges. In this side event, the Climate Ledger Initiative (CLI) assesses the landscape of blockchain and emerging digital technologies to identify those most effective for operationalizing policy instruments of the Paris Agreement and accelerating progress to meet the 1.5 degree temperature limit. CLI launches the second edition of the Navigating Blockchain for Climate Action report, featuring progress from use cases including recommendations for further exploration, implementation, and scaling up.

Climate-KIC will then address practical approaches for whole system transformation initiatives through connected portfolio-based interventions. Looking at how to deliberately design for change in high complexity environments to ensure solutions are maximized towards impact and do not result in long-term problems.

04.12.2019 Connecting the dots – Interactive workshop on digitalization & blockchain, climate action and education Capacity Building Hub, Hall 4 more
Date: 04.12.2019
Time: 13:30-15:30
Category: CLI COP25 event, as part of the UNFCCC capacity-building day 

This workshop addresses several topics relevant to the overall architecture of the Paris Agreement and where blockchain and other innovative technologies will help accelerate climate action, eg, registries, digitizing MRV, renewable energy, and climate finance. The aim is to bring actors with diverse backgrounds together at COP, exchange learnings and build capacity to identify benefits and risks at the intersection of digitalization and climate action in order to support Paris Agreement implementation.

A meaningful debate on digitalization and climate action based on field experiences will be facilitated through an interactive World Café setting. Small moderated roundtable discussions will allow participants to dive deeply into topics of their interest and expertise. The workshop will also initiate a process to share knowledge and exchange experience beyond COP 25. All conclusions and reflections of this session will be made publicly available.

25.06.2019 Digitalisation and blockchain – moving into implementation for climate action Bonn, Germany, UNFCCC Climate Change Conference, Kaminzimmer more
Date: 25.06.2019
Time: 18:30-20:00
Category: UNFCCC Climate Change Conference, SB50, Side Event

In 2018 the Climate Ledger Initiative published the report Navigating Blockchain & Climate Action, noting the high potential of IT to accelerate Paris Agreement implementation. This event will focus on taking blockchain from theory to application – highlighting experience to date and use cases in adaptation, renewable energy, international accounting and GHG markets.

CLI side event flyer

Find here the side event's presentations:

23.04.2019 Webinar "Blockchain and Climate Markets" more
Date: 23.04.2019
Time: 4pm CEST - 5pm CEST
Category: Webinar

>> The recording and presentation material of the webinar can be accessed here <<

On the contours of ‘Blockchain and Emerging Digital Technologies for Enhancing Post-2020 Climate Markets’ report, this webinar will commence with a brief overview of the existing technologies and practices in the climate markets, to then deep-dive into how Blockchain, as an emerging technology will enhance the development of next generation of climate- markets.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019 4:00:00 PM CEST - 5:00:00 PM CEST

27.03.2019 Webinar “Blockchain and Climate Finance” see more
Date: 27.03.2019
Time: 10:00 am (GTM -5)
Category: Webinar

The Low Carbon Cities Platform is hosting a Webinar on the opportunities new technologies like Blockchain and Fintech bring to climate finance. Sven Braden from CLI will provide information on how the Blockchain Technology can

  • support climate finance efforts of Parties to the Paris Agreement, and
  • help improve transparency in the wood industry of the Peruvian Amazon.  

The event will be broadcasted live on the Low Carbon Cities YouTube channel the 27th of March at 10:00 am ( GMT -5). Further information on

04.12.2018 The power of blockchain for climate action under the Paris Agreement COP24, Room Warmia, Katowice, Poland more
Date: 04.12.2018
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Category: Climate Ledger Initiative side event at COP24

This side event will launch findings from our new research report and provide practical information for navigating the opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology for climate action and the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Moderated by: Sarah Leugers, Gold Standard + Climate Ledger Initiative

Speakers include:

  • Heike Summer, Office of the Environment, Liechtenstein
  • Antonia Sutter, Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), Switzerland
  • Juerg Fuessler, INFRAS + Climate Ledger Initiative
  • Felipe De León, Consultant and Adviser to the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE), Costa Rica
  • Sven Braden, LIFE Climate Foundation + Climate Ledger Initiative
  • Nick Beglinger, Cleantech21, Hack4Climate + Climate Ledger Initiative
  • Alain Patrick Medenou, UNFCCC Secretariat
  • Kwon, Sei-joong, Director General for Climate Change, MOFA Foreign Affairs

Find more information about other COP24 activities of the Climate Ledger Initiative in our latest newsletter.

Date: 19.10.2018
Category: CLI workshop

Built from the success of previous Blockchain-Governance workshops organized by EKLA-KAS on Climate Finance (in Rio de Janeiro/Brasil) and Biodiversity Protection (in Lima Peru) the third will address Renewable Energy related to a specific Chilean project on "Registration of Renewable Energies from Solar Rooftop Facilities with a view to CO2 saving". The case intents to initiate a debate and thinking process on how renewable energy generally can be used with Blockchain technology. Therefore we invited experts from different disciplines, backgrounds and countries to explore corresponding potentials. Active participation and intervention is expected.

Find here more information about the workshop and the programme.

A summary of the workshop can be found here.

24.07.2018 - 25.07.2018 Environmental Governance with Blockchain Technology Lima, Peru more
Date: 24.07.2018 - 25.07.2018
Category: Workshop

Built from the success of previous EKLA activities in the field of Blockchain technology and climate, a further workshop on the perspectives and challenges of environmental governance with Blockchain will take place on July 24-25, in Lima, Peru.

Find more information and the workshop programme here.

29.05.2018 GIZ/ITAM Seminar: Potentials of Blockchain to face Climate Change Mexico City more
Date: 29.05.2018
Category: CLI presentation

Find the seminar agenda here (in Spanish)

09.05.2018 Climate Ledger Initiative: SBSTA Side Event Bonn, Germany, Meeting Room Berlin (112) more
Date: 09.05.2018
Time: 6.30 pm to 8 pm
Category: UNFCCC, SBSTA 48, Side Event

Paris Agreement Instruments - Challenges and Potential of Blockchain Technology

Find the flyer here

12.11.2017 - 16.11.2017 Hack4Climate Bonn, Germany more
Date: 12.11.2017 - 16.11.2017
Category: Hackathon

Hack4Climate is a Climate/Blockchain hackathon. It is hosted for the first time in parallel to the COP23 climate conference in Bonn.

Find more information on Hack4Climate in the factsheet or on the website

12.11.2017 UNIDO and ITU: Official COP23 Side Event Bonn, Germany more
Date: 12.11.2017
Time: 1.15 pm to 2.45 pm
Category: COP23 Side Event, CLI presentation

Climate Ledger Initiative presentation at UNIDO and ITU’s Official COP23 Side Event on “The United Nations system, Industry 4.0 and its potential for climate solutions” at the COP venue in Bonn.

06.11.2017 Climate Ledger Initiative: Official COP23 Side Event Bonn, Germany, Meeting Room 7 (1150) more
Date: 06.11.2017
Time: 4.45 pm to 6.15 pm
Category: COP23 Side Event

Research & Innovation at the Intersection of Blockchain & Climate Action

International experts from the Climate and IT world will discuss opportunities of using distributed ledger technology in order to accelerate Paris Agreement implementation. The discussion will feature an update on research activities, a demonstration of the first concrete CLI use cases and more examples and experiences from using blockchain technology in climate action.

The Panel of speakers includes representatives from the governments of Liechtenstein and Switzerland, members of the Climate Ledger Initiative, Climate-KIC, the Centre for International Governance Innovation, DAO IPCI and the UNFCCC Secretariat.

20.10.2017 Latin Carbon Forum Mexico City, Mexico more
Date: 20.10.2017
Category: CLI Presentation

CLI Presentation: Accounting &. Accountability - Towards a Credible & Robust Carbon Market