Wood Tracking Protocol, Peru

Objective /

The CLI has supported the Wood Tracking Protocol (WTP) since 2018. It is an IT-based approach using the features and technical possibilities of today’s smartphones to fight illegal logging and reduce deforestation in the Amazon. Combined with blockchain technology, the WTP addresses illegal logging by bringing transparency and traceability to the wood industry in Peru. WTP provides a smart phone app for Android devices which is connected to the WTP platform – a centralised database with a gateway to a private blockchain. Public is planned for later this year. The current third phase of the WTP is focusing on enhancement and implementation, with a clear focus on testing in partnership with relevant private sector participants. Specific attention will be paid to active outreach to extend the WTP user base on a collaborative basis.


Mecanismo de Desarollo Alterno, SDC Andes, INFRAS


Smartphone Application, GPS, Blockchain, digitization of paper trails

